Mount Vernon by Candlelight

About Mount Vernon by Candlelight

Tour Mount Vernon by Candlelight: Sing Carols, Sip Cider, Stroll the Grounds & More

Mount Vernon is taking the idea of a "fun, ol' fashioned family Christmas" to new heights with their candlelight visits. Start with a tour through the house, where you'll meet your host, "Mrs. Washington," and characters from her and George's world as you view their home. You'll also enjoy carols by the fire, hot cider, ginger cookies and get to see a reproduction of Martha Washington's Great Cake from the 18th century (you'll also get a copy of the recipe to recreate your own old-school holiday treats at home). Learn about holiday cooking and traditions during the Washingtons' time and also take the chance to stroll the grounds surrounded by candlelight. You might even get to visit Aladdin, the Christmas camel.