National Geographic Museum

About National Geographic Museum

National Geographic Museum Explores the Lost Giant Spinosaurus and Other Secrets From This World and Beyond

At the National Geographic Museum, you can explore the earth and all that's in and around it, past and present. Experience the world premiere of the Cretaceous Period's Spinosaurus, the largest predatory dinosaur to ever roam the planet -- at over 50 feet long, 20 feet high and 6 tons, it made "T. rex" look like small potatoes. You can also get an up-close look at Mars, learn about the future of food and much more. Whether you live in the area or are visiting D.C. from afar, the National Geographic Museum offers permanent and rotating exhibits that'll keep you riveted. Centrally located downtown, the museum is just a few blocks from the White House and an easy walk from many of the national monuments.
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