Sports Bars in Washington DC

If there’s anyplace else in the country that boasts American pride better than Washington DC, we should move the Capitol to it. Unlike other cities where the televisions are dominated by hometown teams, Washington DC is the place to find general American-sports pride on every screen, whether the playing team is from the area or not. Aside from the hardcore Steelers fans at The Pour House, no one ever seems to know whom they’ll be watching duke it out on the gridiron or the court, and more importantly, no one seems to care. Just the act of watching sports is enough for most Washingtonians, especially when there’s plenty of liquor involved. Sports bars are generally choose to be on the less classy end of the entertainment spectrum, opting for hi-def televisions and massive projection screens in lieu of plush draperies and fine art. So, while no one can expect to be lazily stretched out on velvet couches for the game, they can anticipate having the television equivalent of front row seats.

2003 18th St NW Washington DC 20009
3028 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA 22201
2854 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA 22201
1117 Nelson St Rockville MD 20850
4738 Cherry Hill Rd College Park MD 20740
2630 Prince William Pkwy Woodbridge VA 22192
524 Fort Evans Road Leesburg VA 20176
10334 Fairfax Blvd Fairfax VA 22030
10312 Willard Way Fairfax VA 22030
6 Saint Marys Ave La Plata MD 20646

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